1st Annual Halloween Bash at THE POINT to benefit AIDS WALK 2015

Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 9pm

at The Point
  • 21+
This event has passed.

1st Annual Halloween Bash sponsored by Shepherd Express to benefit Aids Walk 2015 is about to blow the roof off the HOUSE! Socialize, Party and Dance at Walker's Point biggest Halloween bash!  Valet Parking , Free Parking in our lots,  5,000 sq ft Oasis Patio, State of the Art lighing and Sound system, Costume Contest! $1500.00 First Prize!  We look forward to showing you our NEW EVENT space in Walker's Point ! This event is open to the PUBLIC ! Love us on FB "The Point!" or www.thepointmke.com

The Point

906 S. Barclay Street
milwaukee, wi 53202

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